About GIJ
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is a group of independent journalism organizations that support the training and sharing of information among journalists in investigative and computer-assisted reporting.
Andre Verløy, 12.03.2008 22:29


The aim of Global Investigative Journalism Network is to:
    * help organize and promote regional and international conferences and workshops
    * assist in the formation and continuation of journalism organizations involved in investigative reporting and computer-assisted reporting in all countries
    * support and promote methods of best practices in investigative journalism and computer-assisted reporting
    * support and promote efforts to ensure free access to public documents and data in every country
    * provide resources and networking services for participating groups and for investigative journalists.
Only non-profit journalism organizations that support investigative or computer-assisted reporting can become members of The Global Investigative Journalism Network.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network will be guided by a steering-committee composed of one representative from each participating organization. At all times, the network will attempt to work through consensus. If necessary, votes may be taken on decisions and those votes will require a three-fourths majority to prevail.
The network will take no political, religious or ideological stances. It will encourage and coordinate training, resources for training, and networking services. It will not do investigations.