International Resource Network makes the world a smaller place

International Reporter is an NGO that work to promote investigative and in depth reporting of third word issues. The organization provides a source of knowledge and understanding for journalists and other professionals working with international relations and North-South coverage.

Nadia Falch Bandak, 21.08.2008 11:43
International Resource Network makes the world smaller

International Reporter is a Norwegian NGO providing help and services to global reporters.

In the IRN database you can search for reporters, photographers, researchers and fixers in African, Asian and Latin American countries. The original idea was to assist Norwegian journalists reporting on foreign countries. But the people behind International Reporter believe journalists from all countries, as well as other categories of professionals, will find useful contacts in the database.
The service is free of charge and is presented in English.

In addition to the database IR publish a weekly newsletter, which provides tips for interviews and the most important events in international journalism, politics, and development assistance. IR also distribute “the journalistic tip of the week”, which can be a good webpage, an interesting book or a fascinating story. The most important news is also presented on our home page. The service is provided against a small subscription fee, and is only offered in Norwegian.