Get your global network going

Imagine a room full of competent people who want to cooperate on your pet project. You might get in touch with those people during the GIJ-2008 conference at Lillehammer.

Tarjei Leer-Salvesen, 12.03.2008 22:22

You have probably heard some good examples of how journalists have cooperated across borders and achieved incredible stories. On topics such as environmental issues, corruption, defense contracts, development aid, the pharmacy industry, organ trade and human trafficking, we have seen outstanding investigative articles and documentaries as a result of journalists finding each other despite physical and cultural boundaries.

Corrupt businesses and governments fear the idea of journalists adjusting to a global world as easy as they do.
At the Global Investigative Journalism Conference 2008, we will not dwell on the past problems with too much national-oriented focus in our respective media. Instead, we will facilitate the opposite: We will inspire you all through presenting success-stories on such cooperation from different parts of the world.
And then we invite you to build your own global network around the pet projects you have, and which require international assistance.
Our “speed networking” sessions will take place in smaller meeting rooms at the hotel, where groups of journalists interested in the same topics can gather. There will be posters announcing when “climate related projects” are scheduled, and when to look for someone to involve in e.g. “UN corruption”. In each room, a moderator will see to it that every participant gets a few minutes to briefly present his/her ideas and perspectives.
There will be information on these networking sessions on the conference Web site prior to the conference.
Our “Speed networking” will help you get:
- a better conference experience
- a broader network of journalists who share similar topics and interests
- potentially practical input and partners in making your next big story
It’s almost too good to be true.